"Thou art Peter and upon this rock, I will build my church" (Matt. 16:18).

Church forms the greatest plan of God. The "kingdom of God" and "church"

referenced in the bible are more or less the same. Though the "kingdom of God"

has a broader perspective than the "church", in numerous places in the bible, both

are pointed out to be the same. We find that reference to the "kingdom of God"

appears in the gospel books about 120 times though the word "church" appears just

twice (Matt. 16:18, 18:17). In other books of the new testament, the phrase

"kingdom of God" appears just 32 times though the word "church" is found 110


Church has been planned by God even before the creation of the world (Eph.1:4;

II Tim 1:9). You may think that these verses signify only salvation and perfection.

Being saved and being a member of the church are one and the same. Becoming

saved and becoming a member of the church are two instances that happened at

the same time. '..they were added to the church' (Acts 2:41).

Where were they added? To the church ( Eclesia), they were added. Eclesia is a

Greek term which stands for a gathering (church) called away from the world.

They were added to that church. Daily God had been adding people. The Lord

added to their number daily those who were being saved (Acts 2:47). In these

days, we find great differences of opinion prevailing among various sections of

people. Some want to be saved first and thereafter join any of the churches; some

just want to be saved and are emphatic that joining a church is not necessary; some

want to know which church they should join and some others stress that they will

be saved regardless of the church they are joined to. We want to point out that

we are writing here of the church as described in the bible, a message that all

these people should know.

Church is not a collection of people who are half saved and half unsaved. Only

saved people form the church. The Lord added to their number daily those who

were being saved (Acts 2:47). God had been adding people who believed and

accepted the Lord Jesus Christ to the church that had other apostles under the

leadership of Ap.Peter. The act of believing and accepting Jesus Christ is identical

to becoming a member of the church.

Let's look at the following two verses:-

1. 'And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of

men and women' (Acts 5:14)

2. And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head

over all things to the church, which is the body, the fullness of him

that filleth all in all. (Eph. 1:22-23)

From these two verses we understand that:

1. Believers were added to the Lord; but the question is: how does a

person get added to the Lord ? How does this happen? The Lord is

in heaven, and He was in heaven even at the time this scripture was

being written (Mk 16:19; Acts 1:11). Therefore, how can men and

women be added to the Lord?

The second verse illustrates this very well.

2. Church is the body of the Christ. Therefore you can find that being

added to the Lord and becoming a member of the church are

practically one and the same. Therefore, getting saved means being

baptized and becoming a member of the church (Mark 16:16).

Men from Cyprus, Cyrene, spoke to the Jews of Greece and preached about the

Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord's hand was with them and a great number of people

believed and turned to the Lord (Acts 11:20-21). Many of the Jews and many

devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:43, 14:4, 17:34).

Those who answered to the call "brothers and sisters, leave the world and choose

salvation", joined the church. They are the ones called away from the world.

'Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our

works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ

Jesus before the world began" (II Tim 1:9). Isn't salvation and becoming a member

of the church one and the same? Yes. Even before the world began, God had kept

the church in His mind and called it. Therefore, the church forms the greatest plan

of God.

The sole aim of Jesus Christ is to build the church. 'Upon this rock I will build

my church' (Matt. 16:18). On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Ghost descended on

the gathering of disciples. They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to

speak in other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:1-4).

The people who thus continued in the fellowship of apostles formed the church.

This is the church seen in the bible. To this church the Lord had been adding daily

those who were being saved.

Next, we will define what constitutes a church and entitlement to its membership.

When a person becomes a member of the church, he is a part of the body of Christ

which is God's house, the pillar and ground of the truth (I Tim 3:15). We are not

referring here to just being listed in a register as a member of some organization,

but to a divine act wherein believers are added to the church founded on God's

word (Eph. 2:19-22; I Pet 2:5) as members of Christ's body which is one (Acts 2:47; I Cor 12:27-28; Eph. 4:4, 5:29-30).

There is only one body and one faith, not many bodies, many faiths or many

doctrines (Eph. 4:4-5; Songs of Solomon 6:8,9). The doctrine of Christ was passed on to the

apostles (Matt. 28:20; Acts 1:2) and then on to us through the power of the Holy

Spirit (Acts 2:42). He that abideth in this doctrine hath both the Father and the

Son and is a member of Christ's body (II John 1:9). This is the body

of Christ, wherein the fullness of God almighty abides (Eph. 1:22-23) enriched by

Him in all utterance and knowledge, not lacking in any gift of the Holy Spirit

awaiting the coming of Jesus Christ. As stated previously, when a person believes

every word of God and accepts Jesus Christ totally and completely into his life he

is joined by the Lord into this Church, which is the bride of Christ and His body

(Rev 19:7-8, 21:9-10).

There are threescore queens and fourscore concubines, and virgins without

number. My dove, my undefiled is but one...' - Song of Solomon 6:8,9

Here the church does not denote a building but people who are believers.

The Lord called Peter "rock". Jesus said He will build the church with Peter as

the foundation. It is certain that the true meaning of this verse has been adversely

affected by a host of disputes.

Because of the sins of mankind, Jesus Christ came into the world, suffered,

shed his blood on the cross, died, was buried, rose again and forty days later

ascended to heaven, and sat on the throne of God (Mark 16:19); He was made by

God a corner stone for a sure foundation in Zion. (Isaiah 28:16).

The foundation for the church was laid in heaven. Apostle Peter was the

first to recognize the Lord and make the first Christian declaration (Matt. 16:16).

Therefore apostle Peter was the first Christian. Ap.Peter was the first stone to be

joined with Jesus Christ, the corner stone.

" And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will

build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it . And I will give

unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shall bind on

earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be

loosed in heaven"( Matt. 16:18-19)

Roman Catholics interpret the above verse to imply that the church was built

upon Peter and hence voice their support for Pope's universal rule. According to

their opinion, Popes are descendants of Peter, and they further argue that the

present church was built upon Pope.

Against this belief, Protestants claim that Christ is the only rock for the

church. The Lord called Peter "Petros". "Petros" means a small stone and not

rock as some commonly believe. The Protestants argue therefore that it is not upon

Peter, but upon the faith that Peter placed on Jesus Christ that the Lord built the

church. They base their arguments on the Greek translation. But Jesus spoke

Aramaic which was devoid of the differences present in Greek. In Greek, Petra

(meaning rock) stands for feminine gender and the corresponding word for

masculine gender is Petros meaning a little rock. Upon this Petros, He said He

will build the church. When translated from Aramaic, the word Petros was used

since the apostle was male. Viewing this way, it is clear that Jesus addressed only

Peter as rock.

What is to be noted here is that, not now, but much earlier when Jesus saw

him for the first time, He said to Him, 'You are Simon, son of John. You will be

called Cephas" (Which when translated, is Peter) John 1:42. (Cephas is in Aramaic

and Peter is a Greek word). Therefore in reality, what Jesus meant was that in the

later period as a group of believers emerge, He will build His church upon the

foundation of apostle Peter and His other apostles. This is further evident from our

previous statement highlighting Ap.Peter as the first stone to be joined with Jesus

Christ, the corner stone.

But the claim of Roman Catholics based on the premise that Peter ruled

from Rome, and that the pope (who is also ruling from Rome) is the head of the

church is not tenable. Peter remained in Jerusalem.He went and preached in the

places of Judea, Asia minor, Babylon etc. He visited the churches (Acts 9:32). It

is probable that he might have visited Rome also and stayed there for a while.

But it is difficult to subscribe to the view that he ruled from Rome because:

1. Apostle Peter was present in the meeting convened at Jerusalem in the year

49 A.D. and he died in the year 68 A.D.

2. When apostle Luke accompanied apostle Paul to Rome in 61 A.D., there

was no mention in Acts 28, about apostle Peter.

3. In his letter to the church in Rome , apostle Paul greets the saints in Rome

(Romans 16). Had apostle Peter been present there during the time, apostle

Paul would have greeted him first.

4. In II Tim 4:16, Paul writes that everyone at Rome had deserted him. If

apostle Peter had been there, would he have done so? Therefore it can be

believed that apostle Peter would have just visited Rome briefly.

As to the verse II Tim wherein ap.Paul writes "... I have laid the

foundation. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus

Christ", apostle Paul did not lay the foundation for the church; even before he

became a believer, there were already hundreds of churches with thousands of

believers (Gal 1:22; 1Thes 2:14). What he means here is that the foundation for

the Christian life is Jesus Christ. He also pointed out that the foundation for the

church is apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ as the corner stone( Eph. 2:20).

Jesus Christ, the head of the church, had appointed apostles that they may

join Him in forming the foundation of the church. The most prominent among

them was without doubt ap.Peter (Matt. 16:18).

There should be somebody behind any assembly or gathering. What will

happen to the assembly that does not have the proper foundation when any major

controversy or problem arises? Will it not just disappear and cease to exist? When

Jesus asked the apostles if they too were willing to leave, recall ap.Peter's reply

on their behalf 'Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.

And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the son of the living God

(John 6:67-69). Yes, Peter's faith was like a rock.

A leader who will stand as a rock and not be moved is needed.. Even as

Christ, the unseen head of the church appointed ap.Peter as the visible head of the

church, even today He gives such a head to the church; That head is an apostle.

This is more evident from the fact that the husband is the head of his wife who

also has her own physical body, including the head. Likewise, Christ is the head

of the church. The church, the bride of Christ possesses a head; the apostles

appointed by God are that head, the foundation.

" .... Thou art Simon the son of Jona; thou shalt be called Cephas..' (John 1:42)

This article was published by Chief Pastor N. Lazar, New Jerusalem Church

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