Everywhere one hears the voice that church is not necessary. There are willing participants for an all-night prayer meeting and more so for an evangelical prayer meeting. When it comes to a church, all separate because here one has to follow the truth. A few others say that none of the churches are right (meaning they alone are right) and that they don't like anybody or any church. The truth of the matter is that because of their waywardness and pride, nobody likes such people.

Some others say churches don't save, and the one who saves is Jesus Christ alone. If they were to be asked, whether they gather for worship, the answer will be 'yes'. Now if you say you don't need a church, you should not gather (for worship), for church is a gathering. And if that is so, your gathering also can not save.

Still a few excessively righteous people, following one of the main principles of Hinduism which says 'It is wrong to emphasize that one should be like this, or this is the only way, or this is the best. One who asserts this way is not a Hindu'. They appear to say that all are churches; one can go anywhere; live as they like, but it is sufficient to be pious to go to heaven. And calling it all-saints fellowship, they seek all-sinners fellowship as if a donkey and a horse are the same.

Some others sanctify themselves and call themselves ministers. If one wants to know the church to which they belong, they reply that they do independent ministry. There is no mention of such ministry or minister in the New Testament. God gives ministers as apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists (Eph 4:11-13) only to the church. Even Ap.Paul says 'the church of which I became a minister'(Col. 1:25-26). Only for church there are ministers. See Acts 20:17,28; I Cor 16:19; Col. 4:10-17; I Thes 5:12; I Tim 5:17; Heb 13:7,17).

Therefore church is not necessary to those who are impelled by their own spirit and wander about without any noble aim. Because they don't want anybody to rebuke them. Church imposes discipline and one can not walk as he likes. Therefore they venture to say that church is not necessary. Still others, though knowing the truth, because of love of position, money and sin say that one should not move from church to church. It is likely that he was born in one place, brought up in another place, baptized in one church and now he is in another church.

He goes to one church when in his native place and goes to a different church when he comes to the city of his working place. Nevertheless they talk against going to a different church as if they are great saints.

O Man, don't deceive yourself and deceive others. The judgment of God will come upon you. Don't utter false words. You should go where you find the truth. Join those who worship the Lord out of a pure heart (II Tim 2:22).

Some others say that church is not necessary; It is sufficient to be saved and do ministry wandering everywhere. Even the apostles of our saviour did their ministry through the church after being with Jesus for three and a half years, learning from Him and authorized by Him. See Mark 3:13-19; Acts 1:12-2:4,14,41-47, 4:14,32-37, 5:11,13-14, 6:1-7, 8:14-17, 9:31, 11:26, 12:5, 13:1-5 etc.).

Therefore the church as portrayed in the bible is necessary. A perfect church is necessary where alone saints can attain perfection. Because only in such a church, there are ministers as apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists. Only for such a church , Jesus Christ is the head. Jesus Christ is not the head of everybody. Without a perfect church, there is no perfect salvation. The church operates as a single body.

The church is necessary and is the cure for all. Church is needed. Not all are churches. Is the church where we worship in as portrayed in the bible?

The church is necessary.

Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it- Matt 16:18.

This article was published by Chief Pastor N. Lazar, New Jerusalem Church

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